Boca do Lobo New Catalog Revealed – Free Download – Miami Design District

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Boca do Lobo New Catalog Revealed – Free Download

Today we want to share with you some news, Boca do Lobo new catalog . The luxury furnutre brand want to share with you this the ultimate guide for luxury furniture and limited edition designs. This new catalog is also a tribute to the founders, partners and all teams past and present. Read on and discover all you can find on Boca do Lobo Catalog!Boca do Lobo New Catalog Revealed - Free Download“Each handmade piece of furniture is a medley of various materials, such as translucent car paint on silver leaf. The workshop now spawns an expanding range of custom-made and limited-edition furniture that blends futuristic vision with almost-forgotten creative techniques.”

“With a vision to understand the past and interpret it through cutting-edge technology and contemporary design.”Boca do Lobo New Catalog Revealed - Free DownloadThrough this catalog, you’ll be able to discover the very beginning of the brand, from first sketches and designs, to some of the most acclaimed pieces nowadays.
Boca do Lobo New Catalog Revealed - Free DownloadSee also:BRABBU CONTRACT IS POWERED BY BRABBU

Limited Edition Collection

Limited Edition, a journey through rare materials combined in a way you have never seen before – a precious legacy distinguished by a collection of timeless masterpieces. Get inspired by timeless skills and exceptional craftsmanship. Limited Edition.Boca do Lobo New Catalog Revealed - Free DownloadCoolors Collection

The power of color is a cool phenomenon which inspired the creation of the COOLORS collection. They are used for their aesthetics as well as for their ability to influence the human psyche through the stimulation of one’s visual sense.

Boca do Lobo New Catalog Revealed - Free Download

Soho Collection

Inspired by the cosmopolitan edge of this neighborhood with a reinterpretation of forms and materials, Boca do Lobo’s SOHO collection boasts a balance of architectural design and classic appeal.boca-do-lobo-new-catalogue-finally-revealed-4Master Bedroom Collection

A unique collection of nightstands for the most demanding clients. An exquisite complement to the most luxurious and exclusive rooms.boca-do-lobo-new-catalogue-finally-revealed-5Private Collection

PRIVATE COLLECTION is an expression of pure refinement and elegance, truly distinguished from inimitable design, which embodies the excellence and savoir-faire of the world’s luxury heritage.boca-do-lobo-new-catalogue-finally-revealed-6Samples and Finishes

You can also find a wide range of product finishes with a careful selection of fabrics, wood veneers, lacquers, original translucent colors, impressive glass and ceramic work. Ancient techniques such as application of metallic leafs, copper and brass work complete our extraordinary finishings list. This is only a short introduction of our newest catalog, an unlimited source of design inspiration for interior designers and professionals.boca-do-lobo-new-catalogue-finally-revealed-7


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