Art Basel Miami: Reconstruction of the Universe by Sun Xun – Miami Design District

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Art Basel Miami: Reconstruction of the Universe by Sun Xun

During Art Basel Miami week one of the most outstanding project was created by Chinese artist Sun Xun, which unveiled a large-scale bamboo installation that blends traditional craft with cutting-edge technology.Art Basel Miami: Reconstruction of the Universe by Sun XunPresented by Swiss watchmaker Audemars Piguet Art Commission for its annual art commission in presence in Art Basel, appointed Sun Xun has created “Reconstruction of the Universe.”

Art Basel Miami: Reconstruction of the Universe by Sun XunThe multifaceted project is an elaborate time-based artwork made of animated films projected on flat and spherical surfaces, utilizing both two-dimensional and three-dimensional film technologies, the piece that includes an immersive environment made from bamboo alongside architectural, sculptural, and auditory elements.Art Basel Miami: Reconstruction of the Universe by Sun XunSun Xun is among the most respected Chinese artists of his generation. His drawings, prints, paintings and moving images, deep-rooted in personal memory and collective history.sun-xun-bamboo-installation-audemars-piguet-miami-art-week-2016-designboom-101The sinuous roof made up of 1,300 timber bamboo poles takes shape above an elevated, ocean-side platform. These bars curve softly from the floor to the sky in a S-shaped form, creating a shelter above an intimate exhibition area. This large bamboo structure is illuminated after sunset, lighting up the arrangement of branches in an array of vibrant hues.Art Basel  Reconstruction of the Universe by Sun XunArt Basel  Reconstruction of the Universe by Sun Xun“I have drawn upon years of experience and worked with a team of over 100 art students to realize this artwork,” Sun Xun describes. “I am pleased to see that what I imagined on paper here exactly one year ago has now taken shape.”

Art Basel  Reconstruction of the Universe by Sun Xun Art Basel  Reconstruction of the Universe by Sun Xun

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